Hungarian College of Lifestyle Medicine  (HCLM)

The Hungarian College of Lifestyle Medicine was founded in 2013.

Our vision

Our vision is to improve the health of the individual and the community with the science and methods of Lifestyle Medicine in the prevention and treatment of non-communicable chronic diseases. Our goal is to keep the body, mind and spirit healthy as long as possible, improve quality of life and help successful ageing.

Our geographical operation is in Hungary and we primarily focus on the Hungarian population but with scientific collaborations and network we would like to enhance our presence in the European and International community.

We follow evidence based medical literature and guidelines and work together with other medical fields.


Lifestyle Medicine recognizes the importance of lifestyle factors in the development and the treatment of many chronic medical conditions. With the help of lifestyle medicine the following medical conditions can be influenced or even reversed:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease like coronary artery disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke, peripheral artery disease, high blood pressure
  • Cancers (like colon and breast)
  • Hormonal imbalances like insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, infertility
  • Cognitive disorders like memory and Alzheimer
  • Mood disorders, depression, anxiety
  • Chronic headaches
  • Chronic fatigue

Methods, technics and tools of lifestyle medicine:

  • Diet and nutrition (like Mediterranean or plant-based diet)
  • Physical activity
  • Stress reduction and relaxation techniques
  • Environmental factors
  • Behavior therapy, motivational interview
  • Additional medical treatment when necessary

What we do

  • Education – we work out and incorporate Lifestyle Medicine protocols for the curriculum of medical students, family practice residents, exercise physiologists, trainers, dietitians, health care workers
  • Counseling
  • Networking – we build network and collaboration with other medical specialties and communities
  • Building database – we provide presence of specialists who offer lifestyle medicine
  • Organize medical scientific conference
  • Research – we plan to conduct studies related to lifestyle medicine
  • Community involvement – we want to raise awareness and increase knowledge about the importance of lifestyle choices related to the overall health
  • Added value - we want to involve families, workplaces, schools, institutions and community resources

Board and Staff


László Babai MD

Board Members:

Prof Istvan Barna

Dr Ilona Stancsik

Prof József Tihanyi

Dr Reka Vernes


Márton Dvorák


Email us: 

Follow us on FB: EMOT

Address: Ostrom u. 16. 1015 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36 70 629 6059